Privacy Policy

DIY Resolutions PTY LTD is strongly committed to the protection of your privacy and personal information. Our company collects, stores, uses and discloses your personal information to help it carry on its business, including the provision of goods and services to customers. Our company's Privacy Policy ("Policy") covers how we collect, store, use and disclose your personal information, and the controls you have over it and our company's use of it.

Our Policy is available on our website.

Collection Of Your Personal Information

1. In this policy, “personal information” means the same as it does in the Privacy Act 2020 (“Privacy Act”).  In general terms, this includes any information that can be used to personally identify you.  If the information we collect personally identifies you, or you are reasonably identifiable from it (for example, if we combine seemingly anonymous data with other personal information we hold about you), then the information is considered personal information.  Our company may collect the following types of personal information about you, including  (but not limited to):

• Your name, date of birth, age, gender or sex

• Your identification information, including your signature, driver licence number and other identification numbers, such as passport number

• Your contact details, including residential address and business address, telephone number and email address

• Your purchases and orders from our company

• Your vehicle's registration number

• Your business

• Your employer

• Your digital information, including cookies, data entered, device identifiers, including your IP address, time and location data, file metadata, tags/pixels, referring website, versions of software you've used, and user activity, including added items to a basket, added items to a wish list, app installations, app launches, links clicked and purchases made

• Images of you

Your biometric data and financial information, including your payment information, bank details, your credit card details, and your credit history

• Where you are applying for a job at our company, details about your previous employment, qualifications and/or similar information

2. The main ways in which our company collects your personal information, include:

• When you purchase or ordering goods and/or services from our company

• When you contact our company, including submitting any inquiry about our goods and/or services, providing feedback, making a complaint, seeking a refund, or attending an event

• When you are a supplier of goods and/or services to our company

• When you access our company's website or digital applications which may keep track of what you have viewed on our company's website or applications, aa well as other websites you have visited, including through the use of cookies (these are small data files which are transferred onto your device when our company's website is accessed) and tags/pixels (these 'tag' your device).  Cookies and tags/pixels can also originate from a third party's services for the purposes of collection of data to help enhance the performance of websites or applications and enable personalised advertising.

• When you interact with our company through social networking platforms

• When you subscribe our company's mailing lists, or use our company's online applications, (where applicable)

• When you request a quotation for a service provided by a third party that our company uses to deliver a service to you

• When you submit a job application with our company

3. Our company may also collect your personal information from:

• Publicly available sources, such as from the Australian Government (for example, through the Australian Securities and Investments Commission), online search platforms as well as social media platforms (for example, Facebook)

• Anyone you have authorised to give your personal information to our company, or anyone you have given your authority to act on your behalf

• Any person who provides information to our company for law enforcement and/or loss prevention purposes

• Anyone you nominate if you submit a job application with our company

• Our companies, including information relating to your transactions or other matters with the related companies, including visiting their websites and applications

You acknowledge and authorise us to also collect personal information about you from publicly available sources and third parties, including:

Third party companies such as credit reporting agencies, other retailers (for the purpose of preventing criminal behaviour), law enforcement agencies, and other government entities


Mailing lists

Contractors and business partners

Suppliers or manufacturers

Other businesses within The Warehouse Group

In some cases, we may purchase second party data from any of the categories of third parties listed above.  Where we do so, we seek appropriate warranties from those third parties that they have the necessary consents and authorisations to sell and disclose any personal information contained in those datasets to us for our own business purposes.  Any personal information we collect from third parties for the purposes identified in this policy may be combined with other information we hold about you,

Use And Disclosure Of Your Personal Information

4. Our company uses and discloses your personal information in relation to carrying on our business, which includes the provision of goods and/or services to you as a customer of our company.

5. Our company may use your personal information to do any of the following:

• Charge you for goods and/or services our company supplies to you as a customer, and to issue you with tax invoices and receipts for your purchases of our goods and/or services

• Provide you with information about our goods and/or services from our company or our supplier

• Deliver our goods and/or services to you as a customer of our company

• Review any feedback and/or complaints that you provide to our company

• Provide you with refunds and/or replacements (where applicable)

• Market our company's goods and/or services

• Hold trade promotion competitions and events

• Personalize content presented to you, including on our company's website, and ads on other websites or platforms

• Monitor our company's sales of goods and/or services

• Seek feedback from you as a customer of our company, including providing surveys

• Identify your goods and/or services preferences

• Perform data processing, including analysing data, market research results and trends

• Manage the supply of goods and/or services from our company's suppliers of goods and services

• Monitor and measure your use of our company's websites and/or mobile applications

• Help our company to develop and deliver new goods and/or services

• Help our company, our suppliers and Related Companies, as well as other third parties in its investigations for law enforcement and/or loss prevention purposes

• Help our company in its investigation and/or prevention of any suspected and/or actual breaches of the law and/or criminal activity

• Recruit staff by our company

• Procure contractors by our company

• Meet any other purpose our company discloses to you upon collection of your personal information

• Meet any purpose directly related to any action above

6. To carry on our company's business, our company works with a number of third parties and our company may disclose your personal information to others including:

• Third parties for facilitating the provision of goods and/or services to you as a customer of our company, including our company's suppliers of goods and/or services

• Third parties for providing services to our company relating to our company's business operations, including monitoring and analysing data and trends in relation to your transactions and preferences as a customer, and operating and maintaining our company's website and applications

• Third party platforms, including social media platforms, for example Facebook, displaying advertising and/or content based on your personal information

• Third parties providing administrative and operational services to our company relating to our company's business

• Our company's professional advisers to enable them to help provide their services to our company, including lawyers, accountants and financial advisers

• Third parties helping our company in the investigation and/or prevention of any suspected or actual breaches of the law or criminal activity

• Government agencies, law enforcement agencies and/or other third parties, as legally required and/or authorised by law, for example, to comply with a court order, warrant or legal process

• Other persons our company disclosed to you upon our company's collection of your personal information

• Our Related Companies who may use your personal information to analyse data and trends for helping better understand your preferences and needs

As otherwise required or permitted by any law (including the Privacy Act)

Transfer Of Your Personal Information Overseas

7. Our company may provide your personal information to service providers who are located overseas, so your information may be held by our service providers overseas.  Your personal information may be transferred and stored in the following countries: Australia; New Zealand

8. Your personal information will only be transferred and stored overseas in accordance with all applicable law.

Dealing With Our Company Anonymously

9. If it is practicable to do so you may deal with company anonymously, including by using a pseudonym. If so, please note that our company may not be able to provide you with our full range of goods and/or services where it may not be practicable or possible to do so.

Advertising And Marketing

10. As part of our company's business activities and functions to promote the goods and/or services we supply to you, our company may use, and disclose your personal information collected from you by our company, and/or it's Related Companies, to third parties for the purposes of advertising and marketing, including direct marketing.  In general, our company will participate in direct marketing if you have requested and/or consented to receiving direct marketing communications.  You may opt out of reviving such communications from our company at any time by:

• clicking or pressing on the opt-out link

• following the steps provided in our company's direct marketing communication

• managing your own preferences on digital platforms

Security And Storage Of Your Personal Information

11. Our company will take all reasonable steps to help protect the security of your personal information that we collect from you.  Our company has implemented security measures to reasonably protect your personal information under our company's control against unauthorised access, disclosure, interference, loss, misuse, or modification.  Our company seeks to ensure that your personal information held electronically by, or for, our company is thru secure servers and under controlled facilities.

12. Our company cannot guarantee any data transmission by you via the internet will be secure.  Therefore, our company cannot warrant the security of your personal information as transmitted by you to our company via the internet.

Use And Disclosure Of Your Personal Information

13. You may request access to any personal information we hold about you at any time by contacting us at Your request will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Act.

14. Any request to access information will require a verification of identification.

15. Access to information is not guaranteed and we may withhold access under certain circumstances.  For example, we may need to refuse access if granting access would interfere with the privacy of others, or if it would result in a breach of confidentiality.  If that happens, in most circumstances we will give you written reasons for any refusal.

16. We may charge a reasonable fee for providing any personal information available to you or providing you with copies of it.

17. If you believe that personal information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, then you may ask us to amend it.  We will consider if the information requires amendment and will not charge for making any amendments.  If we do not agree that there are grounds for amendment, then we will add a note to the personal information stating that you disagree with it.  Registered users of our websites can access and update their user details online.

Questions And Complaints

18. If you have any questions or wish to make a complaint in relation to this Policy, our company's collection of your personal information, or the manner in which our company has dealt with your personal information, you will need to direct this to our company's Privacy Officer using the contact details below under the section entitled "How To Contact Our Company".

19. Our company will take all reasonable steps to investigate any complaint made by you with a view of resolving your complaint.

Accessing Links

20. Our company's website may contain links to third-party websites.  Should you access any third-party website(s) from our company's website, please note your personal information may be collected by the third-party website(s).  Our company is not responsible to ensure that your personal information collected by any third-party website is protected.  Our company encourages you to be mindful about this when leaving our company's website.

How To Contact Our Company

20. You can contact our company in writing or via email:

Privacy Officer

Physical Address:

DIY Resolutions PTY LTD

P.O. Box 338

Somerton VIC 3062


Email Address: 

Changes To Our Company's Privacy Policy

21. Our company may change or update this Policy at any time and create a notification on our company's website advising of significant changes. The latest version of our Policy will be available on our website and was last updated on 14 November 2022.